Welcome to Chubu(Central) region in Japan!!

Sekigahara : historical site of battle in 1600

Welcome to Chubu(Central) area. In this area, there are famous sightseeing spots like Takayama, Shirakawago(world heritage), Kanazawa, Nagoya, Gifu, Ise and so on. You can enjoy local culture and historical sites in this region. Chubu Region is also famous for the concentration of various industries. You can visit the latest high-tech factories as well as traditional sake breweries.Nagoya is the biggest city in Chubu region where it has a good access to everywhere in Japan. It takes 35minutes to Kyoto, 50 minutes to Osaka and 100 minutes to Tokyo by bullet train. Besides you can take local trains, buses, taxis according to your travel plan. All inquiries about Japan are welcomed. Let us be your help in here Japan!!

Our team of guides are all local people who are very proud to be here. They propose to take you to not only places that you can find in guide books but also places not known to even most of Japanese people. That is the advantage of local guides.

Currently guides are available in English, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese and French.

Model courses in Chubu(Central) region in Japan
Most of tours presented on this page are proposed as the day trips or half-day trips from Nagoya(biggest city in Chubu region). However, these are just some model courses so you can choose where you visit or do not visit. You can add some other destinations. Overnight stay may be available upon request. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

Ise-Jingu Shrine

Nagoya highlight by private car with licenesed guide                                  

Nagoya Castle (Aichi Pref)

This tour includes Nagoya Castle, Tokugawa-en Japanese Garden, Tokugawa Art Museum, Atsuta Jingu,Osu Kannon and Osu shopping sreet.You can customize this tour by adding or removing some places.


Ise-Jingu Shrine one day gurided tour

Ise Jingu (Mie Pref)

There are two major shrines, namely Naiku (inner shrine) and Geku (outer shrine) in Ise-jingu, with other many smaller shrines. This tour visits two major shrines and historical shopping areas around two major shrines.
This tour take you to Ise-jingu Shrine in Ise City from Nagoya and around. If you like to meet with the guide at Ise, we can arrange it as well.

Ohmi Nagahama, a town by Lake Biwa

Kurokabe Square (Shiga Pref)

Ohmi Nagahama, which lies along Lake Biwa in Shiga Prefecture is a place where many tourists visit. Kurokabe Square is one of the major spots in the area, which was a pioneer district in revitalizing the local community by appealing the old traditional townscape.

Gifu city, Oda Nobunaga's town

Kawaramachi (Gifu Pref)

There are a lot of attractive sightseeing spots in Gifu. The Gifu Castle where Oda Nobunaga declared his intention to conquer the nation with force during the Sengoku period, Ukai (cormorant fishing) with a 1,300 year-long history at the Nagaragawa river, kawara-machi which prospered as the river port, and the Gifu Great Buddha which is said to be one of the three big Buddhas in Japan.

Ruin of Iwamura Castle and historic its town

Iwamura (Gifu Pref)

The Iwamura Castle is one of the three best-known mountain castles in Japan. Although all wooden structures had gone long time ago, beautiful stone walls and stone-paved approaches have remained almost untouched.

Walking around Inuyama Castle and its castle town

Inuyama Castle (Aichi Pref)

With the national treasure Inuyama Castle, its castle town, and a Japanese Garden that has a national treasure teahouse, Inuyama keeps on attracting people while leaving traces of the history.
The city was a battlefield during the Sengoku period (end of 15th century to the end of 16th century), and later in the Edo period (1603 to 1867) the area developed as a castle town. Traditional wooden houses and shrine that connect to the castle is appealing, and make it fun to walk around.

Chiyobo-inari and Yoronotaki Falls

Yoronotaki Falls (Gifu Pref)

The Chiyobo-inari Shrine is familiarly known in the neighboring area of Nagoya. People gather from all over not just to worship but also to visit the shops along the front approach to the shrine. The legendary "Yoro-no-taki Falls" is located in a 30 minute-driving distance, which is also a popular sightseeing spot.

Amagoya experience in Toshijima island & Mikimo pearl

Toba (Mie Pref)

The Ise-Shima National Park features the rias (saw-toothed) coastlines and plants and vegetation that grow in a mild climate. It is located in the Shima Peninsular in central Mie. Ise-Shima is not only famous for the Ise-jingu Shrine , but also for other various sightseeing spots along the coast.

Enjoy a relaxed walk around Ogaki,historic city of water

Ogaki Castle (Gifu Pref)

The city of Ogaki, located in Gifu Prefecture, is known for its long history related to "Okuno Hosomichi" written by Matsuo Basho and the Battle of Sekigahara. It is also famous for its rich water resources, therefore is called the "city of water, Ogaki".

Gujo Hachiman,beautiful and historic castle town

Gujohachiman Castle (Gifu Pref)

The town of Gujo Hachiman is well known for the Gujo Odori dance performance which continues for more than 30 days from July to the beginning of September. The Tetsuya Odori which lasts for four days during the Obon holidays in August is especially famous, the climax season of Gujo Hachiman.

Transform into Ninja and look around the Iga city

Iga (Mie Pref)

Iga, home of the Iga-ryu Ninja, is full of sightseeing spots related to the Ninja! In addition, the town attracts visitors with its antique wooden-style architecture. The city also boasts for having traditional crafts such as the Iga-yaki (pottery) and Kumihimo, and of course the local specialty represented by the Iga beef. Why not dress up as a Ninja and walk around the area to make good memories of Japan?

Seki, a town of cutlery

Seki (Gifu Pref)

Seki, a town known for manufacture of cutlery, is located in south-central Gifu. It inherits the tradition of swordsmith techniques that started in Kamakura period. During the Sengoku period, "Magoroku Kanemoto II" succeeded in forming a robust sword by applying unique swordsmith techniques. The brilliant traditional method was passed down to younger generations, thus today Seki has become a well-known production site of knives and blades.

Sekigahara, field of a fateful battle

Sekigahara (Gifu Pref)

The Battle of Sekigahara refers to the war that took place on September 15, 1600. Following the death of the then ruler Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Commander Tokugawa Ieyasu (the Eastern Army), who aspired to rule the country, fought against Commander Ishida Mitsunari (the Western Army) who pledged loyalty to Hideyoshi's son, Hideyori. Tokugawa Ieyasu won the battle and established the foundation of the Edo period which lasted later on for 260 years. Sekigahara, a name that any Japanese people has heard of, is drawing tourist attention as a historic scene.

Magome-juke and Tsumago-juke

Tsumago (Nagano Pref)

Thinking of enjoying a spectacular Japanese traditional landscape surrounded by mountains? We recommend you to visit the "Tsumago-juku" and "Magome-juku". Both places used to be posting stations along the Kiso-ji (part of the Nakasendo Way, a major road, that connected Edo [the present Tokyo] and Kyoto) in the old days. Touring around these sites with a touch of the history will take you back to a century-old world.

Hikone Castle and its castle town

Hikone Castle (Shiga Pref)

f you have a full day around Nagoya, and if you like to visit an authentic old castle, then Hikone Castle is the most recommended place. Hikone Castle is at the heart of Hikone City, Shiga Prefecture.

Snow monkey in Nagano

Snow monkey (Nagano Pref)

Do you like to see famous snow monkeys? Well, "snow" monkeys are in winter only, and in other seasons, they are just wild monkeys.

Japanese calligraphy experience

Place-Aichi Ichinomiya

Hitonomori House in Ichinomiya City (near Nagoya) provides various Japanese cultural experiences to foreigners, such as Japanese calligraphy lessons, flower arrangement, Japanese cooking. You can create your own calligraphic art with your favorite kanji letters and make it a hanging scroll.